Are you ready to start your own blog but not sure which platform to use? With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. Two of the most popular blogging platforms are Blogger and WordPress. Both have their pros and cons, making it difficult for beginners to decide which one is better suited for them. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at these two platforms, comparing their ease of use, functionality and cost in order to help you make an informed decision on which is the better blogging platform for your needs. So let's dive in!

Introducing Blogger and WordPress

Blogger and WordPress are two of the most widely used blogging platforms in the world. Blogger is a free blog hosting service that was launched by Pyra Labs in 1999, which is now owned by Google. It's known for its simplicity and user-friendly interface, making it an ideal choice for beginners. On the other hand, WordPress offers both a free open-source platform as well as a paid self-hosted option that allows users to have complete control over their website.

WordPress is considered to be more flexible than Blogger when it comes to customization options. While Blogger has limited design options and plug-ins, WordPress offers thousands of free and premium themes and plugins that can be easily installed with just a few clicks.

When it comes to ownership, Blogger's terms of service states that Google owns all content published on their platform while WordPress gives full ownership rights to its users. This means that if you ever decide to move your blog from one host or domain name to another, you may face difficulty doing so with Blogger due to lack of ownership rights.

Both platforms have unique strengths and weaknesses but ultimately it depends on your specific needs as a blogger whether you choose Blogger or WordPress.

Ease of Use

When it comes to ease of use, both Blogger and WordPress have their advantages. However, the user interface of Blogger is simpler and more straightforward compared to that of WordPress.

Blogger provides users with a drag-and-drop editor that makes it easy for beginners to create blog posts without much hassle. It also offers a limited selection of templates that are easy to customize according to your preferences.

On the other hand, WordPress has a steeper learning curve than Blogger due to its advanced features and customization options. Its interface may be overwhelming at first but once you get used to it, you'll find that it's more powerful and flexible than Blogger.

However, if you're new to blogging or don't want too many bells and whistles in your blog platform, then Blogger might be the better option for you. But if you're willing to invest time in learning how WordPress works, then it can offer greater opportunities for growth and expansion in the long run.


When it comes to functionality, there are some key differences between Blogger and WordPress that can greatly impact your blogging experience. One major difference is the level of customization each platform allows.

WordPress offers an extensive range of plugins and themes that allow bloggers to customize their website's appearance and functionality in countless ways. On the other hand, Blogger has fewer options for customization, which can be limiting for bloggers who want more control over their website's design.

Another important factor is SEO optimization. While both platforms offer basic SEO tools, WordPress has more advanced features such as customizable permalinks and meta descriptions that can help improve search engine rankings. However, with a little extra effort on the blogger's part, Blogger sites can also achieve good SEO results.

In terms of social media integration, both platforms offer easy sharing buttons for readers to share content on various social media channels. However, WordPress provides better integration with third-party social media management tools like Hootsuite or Sprout Social.

While both platforms have their pros and cons when it comes to functionality, it really depends on what you're looking for in a blogging platform – ease-of-use or flexibility/customizability?


When it comes to cost, there are some significant differences between Blogger and WordPress. As we mentioned earlier, Blogger is a free platform owned by Google, which means that you don't have to pay anything to use it. However, this also means that your blog will be hosted on Google's servers and you won't have complete control over your site.

On the other hand, WordPress offers both free and paid options. The self-hosted version of WordPress ( requires you to purchase your own domain name and web hosting service. While this may seem like an added expense upfront, it actually provides more flexibility in terms of design, functionality and monetization options.

In addition to the initial costs of setting up a self-hosted WordPress site, there may also be ongoing expenses for premium themes or plugins. However, these investments can ultimately lead to a more professional-looking website with enhanced features such as SEO optimization tools or e-commerce capabilities.

Ultimately, whether cost is a deciding factor in choosing between Blogger and WordPress largely depends on your personal goals for your blog - do you want complete creative control without any added expenses? Or are you willing to invest in potential long-term benefits?

Which is the better blogging platform?

When it comes to choosing between Blogger and WordPress, the answer isn't a straightforward one. It really depends on your needs and preferences as a blogger.

If you're just starting out and looking for an easy-to-use platform, then Blogger might be the better option for you. It's simple to set up and navigate, making it ideal for beginners who don't want to get bogged down in more technical aspects of blogging.

However, if you're looking for more advanced functionality and customization options, then WordPress is the clear winner. With its vast array of plugins and themes available, there's almost nothing that can't be achieved with this platform.

Cost is also a factor to consider when choosing between these two platforms. While both are free to use, WordPress does require hosting fees which can quickly add up depending on your website traffic.

Ultimately, whether Blogger or WordPress is the better choice comes down to individual needs and preferences. Take some time to explore each platform's features before making a decision – after all, your blog deserves nothing but the best!


After weighing the pros and cons of both blogging platforms, it's clear that WordPress is the better option for serious bloggers who want full control over their website. While Blogger may be easier to use and cheaper in some cases, WordPress offers a wider range of features, flexibility, and customization options.

WordPress also has a vast community with thousands of free plugins and themes available to improve your website's functionality and appearance. Additionally, its SEO-friendly structure makes it easy for search engines to crawl your site's content.

If you're looking to create a professional blog or website that can grow with your needs over time, WordPress is definitely worth investing in. However, if you only need basic blogging features without any added bells or whistles, then Blogger might be the right choice for you. Ultimately, the decision comes down to what works best for your specific needs as a blogger or online business owner.

Blogging Platform